PSA Thursday is back! In case you’re a new listener, PSA Thursday is a weekly-ish segment in which we talk about how to handle money, work, and life in the middle of a pandemic.
With the uncertainty of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) looming before us, many are asking:
What will happen if the ACA is struck down by the Supreme Court? How can we plan for healthcare – now and in the future? How much will I need saved to cover healthcare in retirement? What can I do if I can’t afford the expensive premiums?
As a community of entrepreneurs and early retirees, this is a major concern.
To help us understand the healthcare landscape, we brought on Tanja Hester, author of Work Optional and the blog Our Next Life.
Tanja has extensive experience with the healthcare system. She has a history of pre-existing conditions dating back to childhood, and she has also navigated the marketplace post-retirement.