When going to restaurants with friends, does the idea of splitting the bill make you so anxious you can’t enjoy the food?
If someone asks you to be in their wedding party, is it an honor, or a stomach-churning ordeal?
Are you so afraid of discussing financial situations with friends and family that you let others have a say in what you spend your money on?
Awkward money conversations are an inevitable part of life. Whether it’s turning down invitations to go out with coworkers, trying to maintain friendships despite a limited budget, or discussing caring for aging parents with siblings, talking about money is a critical skill that can serve us for a lifetime.
If this is an area you could use a little help with, you’re not alone. Erin Lowry, author of Broke Millennial Talks Money, joins us on the show to share scripts and strategies for tactfully navigating life’s most awkward and common money conversations.