Let me tell you what you WON’T find on this website.
- I’ll NEVER talk about clipping coupons or pinching pennies.
- I’ll NEVER tell you to stay in a job you hate (no matter how good the so-called “benefits.”)
- I’ll NEVER encourage you to take the “sensible” route, if it’s not a road that calls you.
- I’ll NEVER tout the standard advice that you should shackle yourself to a desk for 40 years, buy consumer goods on credit, and pat yourself on the back if you manage to save 10 percent for retirement. Ugh.
Instead, you’ll find inspiration and information on:
- How to ditch the cubicle
- Make your money work for you (rather than you working for it)
- Retire early and often
- Create more freedom in every corner of your life
Afford Anything is based on one radical idea: You can live your wildest dreams.
Regardless of whether you want to travel the globe or buy a dream home, pay down your debt or build a 7-figure portfolio, your dream is closer then you realize. It’s right in front of your nose. And the best way to grasp it is to reject the status quo, make decisions based around possibility rather than fear, and live according to your values.
- I believe an adult should never need to “submit a request” to spend a day with his or her family.
- I believe nobody should make a major life decision based on how it’ll look on a resume, because that’s the definition of “living for someone else.”
- I believe it’s insane to trade time for money, only to trade that money for crap.
The Afford Anything philosophy is built around a few key premises:
- We live in a world of freedom and abundance.
- A freedom-fueled lifestyle and financial security aren’t at odds with one another. On the contrary …
- … the best thing money can buy is time. Money is a tool that helps you regain control of your life.
- Wealth is only real if it’s self-sustaining.
- Wealth is measured in time.
- Investing is the road to freedom. Just as good food and exercise can sustain our health, smart investing is the key to sustaining our wealth.
- The sky isn’t the limit … your belief in yourself is.
Afford Anything isn’t a blog, it’s a revolution. The Afford Anything principles will help you live a life you love.
Live your wildest dreams.
The world is filled with nay-sayers. People who don’t pause to consider their words have learned to say “I can’t afford that” or “Only rich people can afford that.”
The second you think “I can’t afford it,” you create a self-fulfilling prophecy. You believe you can’t afford your dreams — so you hold yourself down. You believe that only people who are richer, smarter, and better-looking than you can live an extraordinary life.
That’s B.S.
My mission is to show you how to un-learn these limiting beliefs, so you can live your wildest dreams.
You Can Afford Anything.
Still reading? We need to make a deal. Here’s what I need from you:
1. You have bold, audacious dreams.
2. You want a gathering spot for a tribe of revolutionaries who are willing to escape the ordinary.
3. You take action. Reading this website alone won’t create cubicle-crushing awesomeness, but ACTING on this information will.
If this intrigues you, or if you want to learn more, check out a few of my favorite posts:
- Find a Niche. Conquer It. Create Something Amazing.
- Stop Crying That There Are No Jobs. Create One.
- Quit Your Job, Travel, and Live Remarkably.
- The Essential 4-Step Guide to Escaping the Ordinary.
- The Rebel with a Retirement Plan.
Or keep reading below …..
Life the Life You Want.
Start listening closely to people’s conversations. Listen as your friends talk; listen to your co-workers chat during lunch.
Soon you’ll hear these words: “Oh, I would love that, but I can’t afford it.” Those words are said ALL the time.
People often say:
- “I can’t afford to travel.”
- “I can’t afford a new car.”
- “I can’t afford to go back to school.”
- “I can’t afford a wedding.”
- “I can’t afford to send my kid to college.”
- “I can’t afford to retire.”
These are excuses. When people say they can’t afford something, they mean they don’t prioritize it. You can afford anything. You just can’t afford everything.
I started this blog after I circumnavigated the globe for two-and-a-half years. During that time, I:
- Bicycled across Spain
- Slept on Portuguese beaches
- Strolled vineyards in Italy
- Rode camels by the Great Pyramid
- Photographed the Taj Mahal
- Climbed the ruins of Angkor Wat
- Floated down the Mekong River
- Ate kangaroo steak in Australia
- Rode a motorcycle in Burma
- Scuba-dived in Thailand and Indonesia
- Saw cliffs, waterfalls and mountains in New Zealand
- Boated rivers in Kerala
- Played with orangutans in Singapore
I didn’t work during that trip. I didn’t want any responsibilities. It would just get in the way of my freedom.
How did I do it? How could I afford it?
I’m not special. I’m not superhuman or gifted or lucky. Heck, I’m not even tall.
- I dislike crowds.
- I have a terrible sense of direction.
- I sometimes eat cookies at 2 a.m.
- My feet get cold easily.
- I’m 5’1″.
I’m an ordinary human.
My life story is unremarkable: Immigrated to the U.S. as a baby, grew up in Ohio, Dad taught classes, Mom stayed at home. Yawn.
I didn’t make millions in some tech startup, or make a killing in the stock market, or get some crazy inheritance.
How could I afford to ditch the 9-to-5, travel to 32 countries, and launch a business? By embracing the simple notion that you can afford anything, but not everything.
Anyone can do this. You can do this.
How Do I Afford the Lifestyle I Love?
I hear my friends, and even my own family, speculating about how I could afford to travel so much:
She must have rich parents.
She must have a secret rich lover.
She must be in massive credit-card debt.
She must be a Silicon Valley success.
She must have made a killing in the stock market.
No, no and no. I just ruthlessly slashed everything that wasn’t important (even if society said it was “normal”) so that I could spend lavishly on what I love most.
When I live the Afford Anything tenets, my savings grow at a crazy pace.
“But how can I save when I earn so little?” people ask. “How can I save when my bills are so high?”
That’s what I’m here to show you.
Simple. Powerful.
The concepts I teach at Afford Anything are simple but powerful. These concepts are based on fundamental principals. They require you to take a good look at yourself, at your priorities and values, at what makes you happy in life.
These principals will set you free. They will free you from debt, free you from want, and free you from ever needing to work at a job you hate.
What’s infinitely sad is that so few people seem to understand the power of these simple principals. And by not understanding this, they resign themselves to a lifetime of long hours for meager pay.
Ignore the Crowd.
What makes a person rich? Is it money? No. It’s something much deeper. Take all the money away from a “rich” person — bankrupt them — and they’ll still feel rich.
Rich is an attitude. It’s a core belief. It’s a confidence, a faith, that’s not correlated to any bank balance.
Yes, you can afford it. You can live a life of wealth and freedom.
The goal of this blog is twofold:
- Shatter limits.
- Cultivate freedom.
Adventure travel, quitting your job to spend more time with your kids, self-funding your own business … this is not the province of the rich. This is yours, but only if you believe it.
Welcome to the Revolution.