When I was 18, I got a full scholarship for a one-month study abroad trip to Japan.
At the time, I didn’t have much interest in international travel. But free is free, so I spent a month in Japan during the summer between my freshman and sophomore year of college.
That trip changed everything.
That trip ignited the travel bug.
I came back so enthusiastic about exploring the globe that I’ve based every major decision in my adult life around the goal of traveling more.
Every major life choice, from my initial career in journalism, to my decision to quit my newspaper job to backpack around Southeast Asia, to my pivot to becoming a location independent, self-employed freelancer …
Every choice I’ve made has been based around whether or not this opportunity would allow me to travel. It’s the benchmark against which all my decisions are made. It set me on a meandering path that led to financial independence.
And it all started with that trip to Japan.