“Confidence is a trap.”
“Personal narrative is another trap; it was invented by the social media people to turn well-rounded, comfortable people into balls of insecurity.”
“Authentic is a ridiculous concept, and it’s a trap, and no one wants you to be authentic. They want you to be consistent.”
Prolific thinker and writer Seth Godin, arguably the most famous modern author in the field of marketing and storytelling, shares these insights in today’s conversation.
Seth Godin is famous for his ideas. He’s written 19 bestselling books on mastery, creativity, business and marketing. His books have been translated into 35 languages, and one of his books was the top bestselling marketing book of the last decade. He’s an inductee to the Marketing Hall of Fame (yes, it exists).
He joins us today to talk about creativity, choice, the importance of practice, and how to overcome your self-imposed limitations.