We’re bombarded by articles and books and social media posts that tell us that a “vision” for life and work is essential.
But what is a vision?
Is it a fluffy, pie-in-the-sky, feel-good statement that elicits warm-and-fuzzy feelings?
Is it the result of a week-long retreat spent in deep reflection?
Is it a board full of a zillion post-it notes with color-coordinated topics?
Not according to our guest, Michael Hyatt, a New York Times and Wall Street Journal best-selling author on the topics of leadership and business.
He says that a good vision is:
- compelling, concise, specific, and inspiring
- distills your dreams into goals and actions that are achievable
- gives you a well-charted path that leads to a crystal clear destination
If you’re tired of drifting along, feeling lost and overwhelmed, then a strong, well-articulated vision can tie your dreams and goals together.
Whether you’re a leader, a manager, a solopreneur, or the head of a community or volunteer group, Michael states that having a crystal clear vision allows you to:
- filter out opportunities that won’t lead you toward your vision
- direct your energy and resources to pursuits that will bring you closer to fulfilling your vision
- inspire your team to take smart risks to innovate and improve upon existing products and services and increase your revenue
Michael’s most recent book, The Vision Driven Leader, teaches you how to craft a razor sharp vision to guide you and your team toward your definition of success.
This isn’t only for business owners — Michael’s insights apply to any aspect of life, and you’re a leader in more ways than you might think.
In this interview, we discuss the pitfalls of not having a clear vision, 10 ways you can nail down an effective and inspiring vision, and clarifying questions and processes that unearth what you want to achieve.
For related resources like quizzes, videos, and a sample chapter, visit
You’ll enjoy this episode if:
- You’re lost and unfulfilled and sick of not having a clear direction in life or work but feel overwhelmed by figuring it all out
- You’re a leader in any way, shape, or form and want to harness the power of your team to fulfill something greater
- You’re a solopreneur or part of a small business with zero leadership skills and want to learn where to start

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